Musically, 2014 is shaping up to be really marvelous year and Nigeria's finest female vocalists are not letting up with the fantastic videos they keep churning out!!!

Seyi Shay
Seyi Shay kicked off the Year with a big bang when she released her 2 singles Chairman and Ragga Ragga, but it was the release of the latter's video that really cemented her place as one of the best performers in the Nigerian music scene. The video for Ragga Ragga shows Seyi's amazing dance skills over a catchy reggae/dance-hall beat. She features popular dance group "Dance Na The Main Thing" DNTMT and she seamlessly glides in and out of the general choreography  and wriggles her body like only she can. The video is catchy, the song is dope and with the directing skills of Clarence Peters, it seemed like this would be the break-out best dance video out of Nigeria for 2014.

...and then there was Nikki! 

Nikki Laoye

Nikki Laoye is an eclectic singer/songwriter and performer, who always leaves you guessing, wondering what she's gonna hit you with next. She raps, she sings, and everyone knows she can sing, it came as no surprise to real music heads when she won the Headies in 2013 for her vocal performance on the ballad Only You. Nikki turns up the tempo with the release of the video to her break out dance hit '1-2-3' where she features the Alien Nation Dance Crew and if pictures are worth a thousand words, we dare say that this video leaves no one in doubt that Nikki is indeed a triple threat. '1-2-3' is a mad tune and this video only suits it. This is indeed a contender for best dance video for 2014. The video is directed by Frizzle n Bizzle Films.

Give them both a look in and let us know what you think.


  1. This is so nice, I don't know which to choose, seyo (sexy) or nikki (playful) nice job both of them

  2. they are both lovely videos

  3. I vote nikki, enough dance steps

  4. They are both different

  5. seyi is sooooo sexy!!! nikki is dope!


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